I Only Tweet Now

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Okay seriously, I think there're still people reading this blog. This post is dedicated to you, you who's so loyal in reading my daily crap, okay more like monthly - once in a blue moon - crap. Seriously you have either no life, or you're just a serious stalker who loves to drink starker.

I shall update you with serious shit soon. Serious zippydee shit. Till then.

GO AWAY STALKER, ok come back. I'm posting soon. :D

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Of 5505 !

I tell you something ah, it's been so long. Up down, up down, up down, down down down down, up, but..

The feeling never dies:]
It'll be different, I promise.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Some of these has been delayed for so long,


All the best Elynn! Good luck in the UK.
Other friends, friend of friends, all the best in going to places
for your tertiary education !


Monday, September 12, 2011

Am on mobile !

Okay the good thing bout having a smart device is that you can post things on the go!

I havent touch my blog NOR visit my blog for ages. However, I guess that's bout to change from now since Apple AppStore introduced the Blogger App for iOS.

Oh Baybeh, well for ppl who DO STILL GOD KNOWS WHY read my blog, lol. I'm currently facing my second year, first trimester finals. So it's gonna be taxing and maybe mobile Internet foes help in keepin things running on the go!:D

Till then, lemme finish my finals smoothly without any disturbances!
Till then, I'll try my best to update anything as I go!:)
Good luck in your finals, and mine too!



Monday, June 20, 2011

Gamma ma de.

Being in the second year of LLB is not easy.
All substantives and you have 3 freaking months to squeeze ur brains to the core to understand FIVE substantives T.T

Its like..

Shooting yourself in the head..

and trying hard to constipate all the bullets out T.T

therefore, law is not something to be studied, it is to be read ONLY!
I really am missing a certain someone. LITERALLY missing=(


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Orientation Committee - OC !

Hello people! it has been so long since I last posted. Been busy, and yeah, new academic year just started and I'm now, proudly to say a second year Law Student! :D

So what the heck have I been up to?

MMU Orientation of course!
As you can read in my 2010 post-first time being an OC. (and 2009 when I was a freshie), orientation week is a week whereby the Orientation Committees(OC) welcomes new students into varsity life. One week to educate them and shape them into becoming a better student in the university. and of course have fun with the freshies!:) and sleepless nights.and tiring nights.and stress.and long drive home.and I can go on and on and on..lol


all in all, it was a fun experience.there MAY be some emo parts T.T

So Orientation camp was from 26th to 28th of May,
and Orientation week was from the 29th of May to the 3rd of June. Few tiring, but days-where I will remember forever.lol.

This time around, I was an emcee. And yes trust me, it is difficult. Yeah I have had experiences talking on stage, but to whack out ideas on what to do with the crowd infront of you is a hard task.

Partner was Prasad which thank goodness he was there to help make things better. First day was kinda okay, not great, not good, just okay. The freshies came in, and there you go, 500 pair of eyes staring at you, thinking what are you gonna do with them with their minds thinking: Is it gonna be boring? Is it gonna be fun?
However, opening ceremony was a screw up, not by us. but by the other campus.

As the week goes by, it was less daunting, and more towards the fun side.lol. Somehow seriously, Justin Bieber is a topic which everyone is interested in, and I dont know why.lol.If any of you freshies are reading this, I AM NOT A BELIEBER.
I'm just a dude who listens to cold hard Foo Fighters, Godsmack and AC/DC!

I'm not gonna write everything to the very brink of the details of my experience of that one week.and I'm not gonna get stuck on that one week. Memories are to be cherished:) But all I'm gonna say is.

Freshies were great, orientation was great, OCs are the best!.haha.

and to any Freshies who're reading this, I still heart Green! haha.look back at my older posts(June 2009), I was a monkey, and will always be a MONKEY!!! HUGA! although I did cheer alot for yellow this time around.haha.(go see my older posts when I was a freshie back in 09!)

Lastly, I just wanna wish all senior OCs who're graduating soon, all the best in your future undertakings! You guys brought the very spirit into all MMU students! Keep your spirit up!

of course it doesnt end with..

Orientation Night



lol.no comment.

Padmini. Me. Prasad. Siran.

it WAS tired cann.

Yeah damn tired

O night

O night









Little Fly Egg

Siraj's birthday!

Registration day


this was scary.lol




and lastly..Who's the best?

