whoa.trust me, this is a REAL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART "whoa".
I OFFICIALLY do not have the interest to BLOG anymore after three years of blogging. The time has come. Its time to shut this thing off. FOREVER.
or not.LOL
Honestly, I think that engineering students learning Graphics is kinda cool, im not an engineering student, but its just that for them to learn it is awesome. Cz i can see how much they suck at it.lol.or not.maybe the law program should also include Courtroom Situation Sketching as one of the subjects to mould law grads as legal journalists to-be.
Okay I do not have anything in particular to blog about. Midterm is not exactly midterm because its more of a study break which I obviously do NOT study. Okay maybe i do study, but not alot, so it doesnt count.
Oh i know what to blog about.

Yeah, seriously this place that im leaving in, ITS GETTING LAMER and LAMER already. I've roamed this piece of historical land for 19(and counting) years, I do not know where to go anymoree. Every corner is the same thing, cover me with a black cloth or cut my eyeballs out, I'll still be able to work for Reliance or be a taxi driver.

This is how I feel about Malacca!