Friday, February 27, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
there are no best things in life..the title is just taken off from the theme of a writing competition im thinking of joining..organised by Impac Dublin Literary be honest i dunno whether am i eligible to join or i'ma school leaver..well im still 17 right?? yeah!! anyways here are some of the regulations:
"This year’s topic is “The Best Things In Life”, and the essay should be between 800 and 1,200 words. It can be either factual or fictional but must be in English."
and the perks?
"The best overall essay will earn the writer and a parent a trip to Dublin to attend the gala ceremony of the International Impac Dublin Literary Award 2009." really considering..but seriously..the organizers really picked out what can be considered as not a really good topic. "The Best Things In Life"?? i dont think currently nothing is good or even "BEST", looking at, well, the economy climate, the way Malaysian gonverment is playing around with politics..jeez..well the "best" things could also be the smallest things right? like love? ah huh...but im not going into that lovey dovey roller coaster lah...its getting old..
so..lets see whats the issue for the past 2 weeks?? oh yeah..i know most of this blog's readers are like youth and ppl like my age..who likes to read bout gossip and stuff..but i feel thats a to put it??? crappy...we should put more interest in wats happening to our country and the world..yeah yeah..Selangor assemblyman Miss Elizabeth Wong is reeeeeally HOT within the media this few days..not that she's attractive or anything...haha..but how ppl abuse technology...dammit..i saw the nude picture of her and i was like EEWW!!! wtf??? a specky nude????
but seriously she's the victim..and GUESS WHAT??? like it is SO PREDICTED..instead of gettin str8 into the case of finding the culprit..OUR GONVERMENT slapped her 1st..making statements thats its silly to sleep nude...watdouknow?? maybe they too sleep naked after having sex with their mates..ah huh..IS IT WRONG TO sleep nude????.memang talk cock sing song! read the article at the Malaysian Bar website
for me i'm havin countless meeting for the shirt business..though im telling you guys later in a future this post is a..............teaser??? lol
its gonna be about this junkie (a person who drinks, take drugs, and is sexually liberated)...SHIT!!!!!! i had the WHOLE story planned out before i slept yesterday and i FORGOTTEN!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!! but'll come cikkidout..the main character
Monday, February 16, 2009
have you all wondered why nissan cars are named oddly??? oddly as sounds alot like chinese or hokkien swearing...for example...Nissan Bluebird...when its translate into'll be "LAN JIAO"..LOL serious shit..Sylphy sounds like sibeh...the Latio aso sounds like LJ...haha...those japanese need to work hard on oriental vocabs..
so..lets make this post a simple top three of everythin i can think of..
lets start with..
Top 3 Record i would like to have if i'm stranded on an Island.
1. Queen-The Greatest Hits
2. DragonForce-Valley Of The Damned
3. Riot!-Paramore
Top 3 Movies I would watch(again) before the end of the world.
1. Lord Of The Rings-The Fellowship Of The Ring
2. Green Mile
3. Titanic
Top 3 women i would like to sleep with.
1. Liv Tyler
2. Tata Young
3. Hannah Tan
Top 3 books I'd read again before i sleep.
1. A Walk To Remember-Nicholas Sparks
2. Dear John- Nicholas Sparks
3. Angels and Demons-Dan Brown
Top 3 things i wana die with.
1. A copy of Queen's Greatest Hits CD.
2. My Phone
3. My pencil case( Draw till the GRAVE!!)
Top 3 places i wana go before im....57
1. Paris!!!
2. Manchester
3. Paris!!!! haha~~
Top 3 women I'd date now (17).
1. The person i will next date..
2. Liv Tyler
3. Kristen Kruek
Top 3 things i want now!!!
1. To SCORE!!! in SPM...results are comin!!
2. For my ulcer to go away!!!damn pain!!
3. An iPod touch!!
Top 3 drama I can watch over and over again~
1. One Tree Hill
2. The OC
3. Desperate Housewives (LOL so gay!!!)
Top 3 Footballers I think are GREAT!
1. Zinedine Zidane
2. Kaka
3. Shunsuke Nakamura
Top 3 Defenders I'd like to run on..(which i think i cant)
1. John Terry
2. Lucio
3. Jaap Stam
Top 3 people i'd kill if i had a licence to kill
1. Ms. Quek Mui Hong-Ex addmaths teacher!!!
2. Jose Mourinho!!!
3. Whoever i really hate
Top 3 Bands I'd like to watch LIVE!
1. Queen-wake Freddy from the dead!!!
2. Bullet For My Valentine
Top 3 guys I'd date if i were a gay..(I'm Straight!!! i said "IF"!!)
1. Fernando Torres
2. Edward Cullen (not rob pattinson or watever his name is k!!!)
3. Maybe Azwin Andy..LOL...
Top 3 Matches I wana see LIVE before i die!
1. Man Utd V. Real Madrid
2. France V. Spain
3. Malaysia V. England
Top 3 food i'd still crave for till i'm old
1. OH JIEN!!!!!
2. CHAR KEOY TEOW!!!! no si ham!!! chilli EXTRA!!!
3. Malacca CHICKEN RICE!!!!
Top 3 things I will NEVER witness before i die!
1. A World without conflict
2. Palestine and Israel in good terms.
3. Hopefully APOCALYPSE.
Top 3 guitarists in the world!!!
1. The Edge!!!
2. Joe Satriani
3. err..that guy from DragonForce..dunno wats his name...damn his kick ass solo!!!!
Top 3 things i hope to do if given another chance..
1. Erase all the wrong things i did..
2. Hold my sis in my arms again..
3. Tell the world september 11 is about to come!!
geesh..k..there are still other stuff...but i cant think of them this will be!!!(natalie cole!!=.=) till then..bye bye!!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
hullo!!! its been quite damn long since i've posted smting new..ah huh...yeah credits to claryn for FINALLY helping me to do the header!!! thanks again dudette!
let me try this MOST common question..a cliche question that i personally feel only faggots will ask..
"whats love?"
isnt it abit stupid to ask a question like that...let me tell u wats love...
imagine urself walking through a crowded street or a crowded shopping are squeezing yourself through peoples body...pushing and pulling to get are so damn frustrated and wished that u can fly above everyone and overtake them...its hot..and u cant breath cant feel a single brush of that stress and annoyed moment...u hear a sound...a sound that is so
...calm..u try to identify the sound.............its a lullaby...a well composed meladious lullaby...that piece of music is taking u into a whole new environment...taking u to a sanctuary...u turn around and find an elderly man wearing a pair of sun glasses playing that lullaby. A blind man...every note he hits with his beautifully god engineered fingers makes u feel good...he is playing with feeling, passion, and incomparable grace..he is playing, with love..
now thats love...not those lame description you see in chinese dramas..
so tomorrow is valentines..a day where lovers lovers may not be a partner who is sharing love with another long as u're a lover...
i saw "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" just a few days back..and "Seven Pounds" ysterday...Curious case is damn fucking sad!!! it made me cry...OMG!!!!! i seriously fucking teared!!!! SHIT!!! the show is a really really really sad sad sad story much u wana bet with me if u see the show u'll be touched...dude! the guy becomes young..and not all..and the worst thing of all...HE IS IN LOVE!!!...he had to make sacrifices..but in the end..he became a baby and died in the arms of his lover---Daisy..that part made me sobbed tiu!!!! coincidently, the lead in both shows are named benjamin...damn...and both shows are as emo as it can be...
most of you guys are celebrating valentines with someone special right??? yeah...thats thing though...make this date a different one..make it interesting...and not those normal chocolates, roses, flowers type of valentine...thats LAME wei!!! haha~~~
and to those whose lovers are away..especially at NS...(AHERM!!!! AHERM!!!! you know who you are!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!) call HIM or her...but DONT say i love you...its too common!!!!...say i cherish you, or i "bagai aur dengan tebing" you...
yeah this post is totally bout romantic crap..well for this..i really think that John Vesely from Secondhand Serenade is one romantic dude man...shit! he named himself Secondhand Serenade because he says that all the songs he sings are dedicated to his wife...but when it comes to us listening to it on the radio or anywhere..the song becomes second hand..after his wife...damn..thats the Secondhand Serenade!!!...shit..damn romantic sial!!!...
to someone special:
the way you speak is hilarious..i looove the way u speak!!! you are damn flexible and u're care..and you're away..but the best way to describe you???...err..ok put it this way...i'm standing on a big field...the whole field is filled with a green carpet of grass...rows of rows of green wild grass...plain greenery...within the carpet of green..i see a purple morning glory flower..thats stand out...and you make my morning a glory...but too reality bites...and it bites HARD..
oh yeah Ross's birthday is tomorrow...LOL...same day as valentines..tomorrow only wish lah~...
have a amour-ly fourteenth of February!

Friday, February 6, 2009
seriously..i DUNNO wat to write...wait wait...there is smting all ex form 5 students are forgetting...smtin SO important yet pending...something that will decide our life..someting that will decide where we stand in a globalize society of diversified culture...yeah ENOUGH ELABORATING KAYY!!!!
one word.....RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woi!!!! results coming la wei!!!!!!!! i dunno when...but i know its MARCH!!!!!!!!! DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!!! and today i just saw MR YAU...he said hello ti me and went on to ride his motorcycle...but wth~~??? RESULTS!!!!!!! RESULTS!!!!!!!!!! RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!
oh daim!!! how many A's???? how many A's?????? HOW MANY A's?????????? ishh...when i think of it at night before i sleep...I CANT SLEEP!!!!!! ouui!!!! its like soo important kay!!!! this wee loon lah...shits man...KEEEEP asking me bout RESULTS!!!!!!! but seriously..i hope i do get wat i want...and i hope for others too...aiyoh...this topic is really really really scary...yepp yepp yepp...why the hell am i repeating 3 times???? dunno dunno dunno!!!!!!!!! wtfff???
i got a few pictures of nike sneakers i drew..i just like drawing the swoosh actually..anyways i was actually just testing my scanner...yay!!! got scanner!!!! gaga~~~!!!..there.
nike apologizing to nike cz i copyright infringement..but i'm just a fan!

nike FUNK2...yeah..same above..sorry nike! i just love ur swoosh~
so good luck in all that u guys are doing...let me tell u this..results IS near...