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Sunday, February 22, 2009



there are no best things in life..the title is just taken off from the theme of a writing competition im thinking of joining..organised by Impac Dublin Literary Award..to be honest i dunno whether am i eligible to join or not..cz i'ma school leaver..well im still 17 right?? yeah!! anyways here are some of the regulations:

"This year’s topic is “The Best Things In Life”, and the essay should be between 800 and 1,200 words. It can be either factual or fictional but must be in English."

and the perks?

"The best overall essay will earn the writer and a parent a trip to Dublin to attend the gala ceremony of the International Impac Dublin Literary Award 2009."

yeah...im really considering..but seriously..the organizers really picked out what can be considered as not a really good topic. "The Best Things In Life"?? i dont think currently nothing is good or even "BEST", looking at, well, the economy climate, the way Malaysian gonverment is playing around with politics..jeez..well the "best" things could also be the smallest things right? like love? ah huh...but im not going into that lovey dovey roller coaster lah...its getting old..

so..lets see whats the issue for the past 2 weeks?? oh yeah..i know most of this blog's readers are like youth and ppl like my age..who likes to read bout gossip and stuff..but i feel thats a bit..how to put it??? crappy...we should put more interest in wats happening to our country and the world..yeah yeah..Selangor assemblyman Miss Elizabeth Wong is reeeeeally HOT within the media this few days..not that she's attractive or anything...haha..but how ppl abuse technology...dammit..i saw the nude picture of her and i was like EEWW!!! wtf??? a specky nude????

but seriously she's the victim..and GUESS WHAT??? like it is SO PREDICTED..instead of gettin str8 into the case of finding the culprit..OUR GONVERMENT slapped her 1st..making statements thats its silly to sleep nude...watdouknow?? maybe they too sleep naked after having sex with their mates..ah huh..IS IT WRONG TO sleep nude????.memang talk cock sing song! read the article at the Malaysian Bar website http://www.malaysianbar.org.my/general_opinions/comments/elizabeth_wong_and_our_hope_for_a_new_politics_in_malaysia.html

so wwtf..??? okaaay better dont write so much..but thats the kind of wonderful thing to blog..u can put out ur own thoughts and point of view..yeah yeah..with limit right??? thats why im stopping!..

im finishin ECLIPSE soon...damn the story is gettin more and MORE scarrier wei...i think thats why i cant sleep yesterday...sissy!!! LOL~~!!...but do u all get these weird kinda dream..where what u dream about are the words from the story books...scary wei...only the words describing whats happening..not the actual picture...i guess im goin MENTAL! lol...

so lets see...err..oh yeah...i got a BARBIE DOLL!!!!! her name is CHELSEA...haha...she looks like VICTORIA from twilight...not in the movie!!!! but the description from the book..red hair..ah huh...



well saturday i attended cousin KUMAR's wedding dinner..i go cz my gran asked me too..if not..wedding dinners arent really my thing..but okaaay..so i went.and its at Equitorial..it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be...its a very multiracial function again..cz its my granpas baba and chetti side again..the bride is a KADAZAN leng lui from sabah...like my mum!!! haha...and Kumar is a chetti..can cakap hokkien mia..speaking of culture fusion!!! LOL!


they opened the function with the reciting of pantuns... LOL..i thought we're gonna eat at least PORK lah!!!...but i went in got bertudung ones..so its halal...haha...and...the people are damn funny..LOL..especially durin YAM SENG!!lol...this is kinda hard to believe...BUT!!!..half the people in the dinner hall aged ranged between 1 to 37 are mostly my cousins...crazy right???..some didnt attended and those familiar faces i see on the streets but couldnt think of who are they...are gathered here tonight..and these ppl are my cousins???!!!!!????!!!!! WTF???...

anyways..they had this dance floor..which people would dance..and go crazy...but not me lah..i didnt go..paise lah...though i know i would rule the dance floor the second i stepped into it..haha!!! LOL~~...

at first they called on the newlyweds to dance centre stage..the bridegroom hold a rose..and danced gracefully with the bride...that was a scene nobody wants to miss...its like..i can hear my own bells next time..holding my future wife in the arms and waist and just sway along the dance floor knowing everyone is lookin at you and i'll whisper over and over again into her ears that i......anyways lets not get carried away..haha..after that everyone came in to join..not me though..as i had mentioned earlier..haha...the DJ spunned...TANAH MELAYU JOGET...CILLY CHA CHA!!!...to name a few..lol...my granma had a gr8 time..lol..

err yeah 2...haha

so at this stage...everyone is geared up to plan for their future ahead right??? some already enrolling their second month in college..guess wat??? im still stuck here!!!...growing so much moustache..and beared..i look like LEONARDO daVINCI...yeah im totally exaggerating!! HAH!!!..

for me i'm havin countless meeting for the shirt business..though im telling you guys later in a future post...so this post is a..............teaser??? lol

board meeting lef is honwee, right is ST

i dunno sial....should i get into Animation??...LAW??? i think Law would be gr8...haha...but its basically making u a memory card or a storage capacity with 4 years of gigabyte to remember..its all memorising stuff..though thats not wat my dad tells me..lol..im looking at A-Levels too...but got addmaths i think..i suck...at addmaths..crap lah...this thursday JPJ!!!!...wooooooooh!...cant wait to drive!!!...haha

and btw...im doing a sketch on a short comic strip...the title is "Cut Me, Mick!"

the title is taken from a Yellowcard song with the same title from their Paperwalls album(2008)
its gonna be about this junkie (a person who drinks, take drugs, and is sexually liberated)...SHIT!!!!!! i had the WHOLE story planned out before i slept yesterday and i FORGOTTEN!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!! but wth...it'll come along..so cikkidout..the main character


see you in the tunnel!!! rainy season is ON!!!!

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