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Sunday, July 26, 2009

enthusiastic muchh?

and yes,today i found the enthusiasm to update. To blog in a mood where not by insisting, just blogging through PURE desire to blog.

wtf am i talkin bout?

alright..im gonna steal some of my friends picture first..cz without pics, this post is not gonna be interesting....

ok done!..

we went for Harry Potter last friday. Actually it was kinda random, cz as usual, i wasnt paying attention to Computer Apps lecture. I think i was talking more than listening to the lecturer. damn, i know its bad to do this..i try, but i failed..so WTH!!! lol..

like damn lame right? LOL

after class, we're had ntg to do..although if went back, assignments will come rushing into our schedules. so wat the hell lah, i suggested for a movie and yeapp we went..for breakfast first, and then for the movie.

this is me. the camera woman SUCKS..lol

it was damn hard to ask Yangyu out wei!!!!! dammit..i think it took us 9 to 10 attempts(including the text msges) to ask her to follow us..damn lah wei..pekcek!!!

the show was okaaaaay lah~..to me its better than Transformers and Terminator..though the movie is like UNsequenced..i had forgotten most parts of the books..so i guess all the altering and stuff didnt make me dislike the moive..and hell YEAH!!! EMMA WATSON is LIKE DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN HOT!!!!!!!

she melts my heart....LOL

dee ei aim enn!!!

Ron was damn stupid when he went out with Lavender, that was PURE obsession lah wei..but anyways, Ms. Rowling didnt know such a hottie was gonna play Hermoine when she was writing the book!!..

oh yeah..i just remembered! there was supposed to be a new Minister for Magic, who's half werewolf or smtin..damn..yeah the alteration thing is starting to make me complaint.
dee ei am enn!!

this period of time, Assignments are like our best friend. Schedules are like *aherm*..

damn lah!!!! and our assignments are like damn tough wan k!!!..about facts!!! ACTUAL FACTS!!! if ONLY im in a creative course, where u do stuff like design a house LIKE LINYANG's course!!! or FOOBIs!!!!!=.= this one pulak..aduhh..tak larat lah wei...seriously tak leh tahan!!!..

skrang aso i hardly draw d..-.- i cant even take a pencil and weave smtin out like last time..i JUST LOST the will to do so...damn..i havta find back that oomphh!!! that factor, that FLAME that motivates me into my artistic side..=.= im suckier now.

these few photos are taken by Akmal...damn nice right? eh mal! i tolong u promote tau, kena bagi incentive cket eh? LOL

till then, goodnight.

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